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Sierra Gold River Boulder Specimen
Sierra Gold River Boulder Specimen
Sierra Gold River Boulder Specimen
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Price Per Each $0.48 18 tons minimum on this item
Inflation Fighter Sale $0.28
Savings: $0.20
Material Type: River stone
Level Of Experience Required: No experience needed for excellent results.
Typical Time Required: One day or less for most projects. Figure 3 Man Hours per ton for a finished project.
Equipment Needed: Contractor grade wheelbarrow, sod roller, hand tools, garden hose
Additional Materials Needed: Weed control fabric, wood, steel or plastic edging

Quantity in Stock:248

Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: 1320BLDXSPC

Description Material Transport Photos & Liability
Sierra Nevada Gold River Rock Boulders Specimens
20 to 24 tons per shipment required for this price
These boulders are quarried out gravel beds along the rivers of central Sierra Nevada mountains. The surfaces on these boulders have been smoothed by thousands of years of river wash with sand and gravel wearing down the rough surfaces.
Bulk quarry direct shipments range in size from about 500 pounds to about 4,000 pounds and will have light amounts of river sediment or sand on them. Individual specimens and sized boulders that have been cleaned are available.
Larger specimens can be chosen from field photos and can be specially ordered. Bulk shipments on these boulders range from gold, tan, red, and brown color tones.

Sierra Nevada Gold River Boulders
Gold Granite Sierra River Wash Boulders
Product Specifications and Uses
Boulders, Stones, Cobble and Rip Rap are effective in creating scale, color and texture contrast in open landscapes, dry and wet creek features, waterfalls, ponds. Boulders, Stones, Cobble and Rip Rap are also very effective at steering foot traffic away from primary plantings to prevent damage to plants and worn out sections of the landscape.
Small boulders are easily moved with basic hand pushed landscape equipment. Most boulders that are 2-1/2 feet or smaller can be easily handled by 2 or 3 healthy men or a small tractor. Work with boulders larger than 3 feet is likely to include some use of a tractor and skilled landscape construction staff. We offer boulder placement and equipment operating services in many locations, contact us for more information.

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